School of Arts 

University of the West of England 

Outreach Working Group

Digital Museum of Things
Notes for Teachers, Parents or Carers 

Project Duration: Approximately 1 hour

Designed for Key stages:  1 and 2

This project uses personification to bring objects to life. It enables children to look at objects from a different perspective, understanding their material and function, and extending perception by using imagination to explore an objects character.

Through careful looking, discussion, creative writing, and drawing children will unlock the potential of everyday objects and be inspired to find new ways of looking at the world around them

︎Before you start, look at the whole project on the website so you understand what’s happening, step by step.
︎Children will need to bring in an object from home to create their exhibit.
︎There will be a mixture of discussion, writing and drawing.
︎You will need to time some of the drawing activities.
︎Children will need to type their exhibit stories.
︎You will need to take photos of the work to send to Childrens University so that they can upload it. All the schools participating will be able to share their work to create the Digital Museum of THINGS. 

︎ An object from home (something that means something to them personally but not a toy)︎ Pencils, Pens and Paper
︎ Timer
︎ IPads / Computers for writing stories and taking photos 
︎ Imagination!

Extension Activities:
︎ Material Research: Identify the material the objects the children have brought in are made from. Talk about their qualities and find out what else you can make from the same material.
︎ Create a Museum at School: Display the objects the children have brought in and share the stories in an assembly or invite other classes for a guided tour.
︎ Museum Experience: Visit a museum and ask children to use the story and drawing techniques they learnt in the project to bring an object to life.

Or to register for Kids in Museums digital takeover day on 25th June 2021 CLICK HERE

Share your work - How to load your pictures (in Padlet boards):
︎Point your mobile phone/ iPad camera to the QR code below.
︎ It will open up the UWE outreach site on Padlet.
︎ Click the “ + ” on the padlet and a menu with Title and symbols will appear.
︎ Click the upward arrow symbol and your photo library will open.
︎ Select your picture, make sure you type in your School’s and student’s name, year group before you press post.
︎ The pictures will be posted on the padlet site and will be shared on the Outreach Project website from 12th July.
︎ For more information CLICK HERE to watch a video on how to upload the work created

A Gallery of participating schools contibutions can be viewed  HERE


︎Celebration Event

Scan the QR code or CLICK HERE to share images of the books made and take part in the UWE Celebration Event

Please submit project work by the 7th of July and make sure you type in the name of your school, your first name and your year group before you press post.

The pictures will be posted on the padlet site and will be shared on the Outreach Project website from 12th July.