School of Arts 

University of the West of England 

Outreach Working Group

These Books are RUBBISH

Make your own bookmark
Could you find interesting patterns or images and cut it to a rectangle to make that a bookmark for your books? It could perhaps have your name and some colours on it!

Make your own poem
What would it be like if you picked a page with text and spotted your favourite words to make your own poem by cutting it out or blocking out the other words?

Make a monster!
What would a monster look like if it was made of paint stains or coffee stains? Would it have scary teeth, wobbly eyes or multiple limbs?

Make a collage shape using one colour
What would a circle or square look like if it was made of one colour, but from different pages?

Favourite day
What words and colours would you use to describe your favourite day? It could your first day of school or your day out with your family.

Favourite snack
What could your favourite snack wrapper or packaging be used as? Could it be cut into bits, or used to find out the ingredients in it?

Family Photo
If you were to make a family photo who would you add onto this? Could you perhaps find strangers photos from different pages to make a total random fun family photo?

Drawing generator
Stuck on ideas to draw onto your book? Why not look for words around scrap pages that interest you? You could then draw them or colour them!

Make your own story
What story would you make, if you were to pick five words from a text that interested you? How would these words connect or be used in a short story?

Favourite snack commercial
If you had to write a jingle for your favourite snack, what would that read like? Maybe you could add the packaging to the book and change up some colours!

Famous landmark or building
If you had to pick a favourite building, which one would it be? How would you draw it from your memory? What colours would you change it to? Also, think about why the building is special.

Colour Tree
What would a family tree look like if you replaced the photos of the family members with their favourite colours instead?

Make your own receipt
Try and find a receipt so you can make your own one! If you had 10 pounds to spend in a store with all things that exist, what would you spend them on? Also, where would this store be?

Make your own landscapes
What would landscapes look like if they were cut out from scrap materials from around your house? Would the landscape be geometrical with different patterns and colours? You could always add some drawings on top for details.

Map your house
If you had to make a map of your house for someone to navigate through, what would this look like?  What are some of the important or favourite rooms and items that exist in your home?