School of Arts 

University of the West of England 

Outreach Working Group

Design for the FUTURE  
Notes for Teachers, Parents or Carers 

Project Duration: Approximately 1 hour

Designed for Keystages: KS3 and above

This project will help you to understand the design process and explore the concept of speculative design, how imagination feeds the design process and how these design investigations can impact society. The example used is textile design but the process of Research, Develop, Define, Outcome, can be applied to any design thinking.

Design is all around us, the buildings that we live and learn in and the seats we are sitting in, these often-commonplace items are the result of not only aesthetic decisions but also practical solutions for everyday problems such as the need for shelter, the urge for comfort and the desire to acquire knowledge.

Before you start, look at the whole project on the website so you understand what’s happening, step by step. Decide on a ‘problem’ that you will use to work through the design process

1. Paper
2. Drawing materials
3. Glue stick
4. Images for collage
5. Computer for case study research

Extension Activities
︎Options – Can you develop 3 different solutions to the same problem?
︎Collaborate – can you work in a team to find a problem and work through it using the same process ?
︎Pitch! – Can you sell your idea to your class ?

Share your work - How to load your pictures (in Padlet boards):
︎Point your mobile phone/ iPad camera to the QR code below.
︎It will open up the UWE outreach site on Padlet.
︎Click the “ + ” on the padlet and a menu with Title and symbols will appear.
︎Click the upward arrow symbol and your photo library will open.
︎Select your picture, make sure you type in your School’s and student’s name, year group before you press post.
︎The pictures will be posted on the padlet site and will be shared on the Outreach Project website from 12th July.
︎For more information CLICK HERE to watch a video on how to upload the work created. 
︎Celebration Event
We’re really looking forward to seeing the work you created for this project.

Scan the QR code or CLICK HERE to share your images and take part in the UWE Celebration Event.

Please submit project work by the 7th of July and make sure you type in the name of your school, your first name and your year group before you press post.

The pictures will be posted on the padlet site and will be shared on the Outreach Project website from 12th July.